How to Know if you are at Risk for a Detached Retina
Accept that retinal detachment can occur at any age, but you are at a higher risk once you reach middle age. In most cases, retinal detachment is a result of internal changes in the vitreous chamber. These changes are associated with aging.
Learn that a detached retina is more likely in people who are nearsighted. The elongated eyeball characteristic of nearsightedness weakens the retina, making it more susceptible to detachment.
Identify family members who have a history of retinal detachment. Make sure your doctor is aware of your family's medical history. Your chances for the condition increase if someone in your immediate family has suffered from retinal detachment.
Determine whether you have received a hard blow, contusion or penetrating wound to the eye. These eye injuries will make you more susceptible to retinal detachment.
Accept that you are at higher risk for retinal detachment if you have a history of tumors, severe inflammations or diabetes. Retinal detachments in these cases are considered secondary detachments and can only be remedied with treatment of the initial disease.
Discover that a previous surgery for cataracts can make you more likely to suffer from a detached retina. A retinal detachment is the most serious post-surgical complication of cataract treatments. This could be because the vitreous fluid inside the eye may become watery instead of gel like after surgery, causing the vitreous fluid to move more and prompting the surface of the vitreous to pull away from the retina, which can sometimes cause a retinal tear.