How to Recognize Glaucoma Symptoms
Notice any difficulty you experience adjusting your eyes to see properly in different circumstances, such as in the dark or in extremely bright environments. If your eyes seem to have an unusual amount of trouble appropriately adjusting to the amount of a light in different situations, it could be related to symptoms of glaucoma. Heightened sensitivity to bright lights in general and any associated blinking or squinting may also be related to glaucoma.
Observe any changes in the physical appearance of the eye that may be symptomatic of glaucoma. Relevant physical warning signs that you may be able to recognize by looking in the mirror are changes in the color of the iris and red, swollen or crusted eyelids. These types of symptoms are generally accompanied by pain in the eyes and the surrounding areas of the face.
Take note of any uncomfortable physical sensations that you experience in or around your eyes, as they could be related to glaucoma. Excessive watering or tearing up of the eyes is often caused by glaucoma and should be examined by a medical professional if the symptoms persist for more than a few days. In contrast, itching, burning and overly dry eyes are also often caused by symptoms of glaucoma and should be taken very seriously.
Assess any specific complications that you suffer with your vision. Difficulty with your vision is likely to be the first warning sign of glaucoma and could be an indication that irreversible damage has already occurred. Common symptoms of glaucoma related to loss of vision that you may be able to recognize relatively easily are seeing darks spots, especially in the center of your view, distorted or wavy lines and ghost-like visualizations.
Seek emergency medical care if you experience sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes, as it could be caused by severe complications glaucoma. Abrupt onset of blurred or hazy vision or the rapid appearance of halos of bright spots of light should also be treated urgently.