How to Have a Sty Removed
Visit a doctor if the sty has been there for 3 weeks or more, is painful or is impairing vision. Because many sties go away on their own, most doctors will only remove a sty if it is painful or affecting the patient's vision.
Get a full examination of the sty. If surgery is warranted, this may include lab work done on the sty. The doctor will probably look at it closely under the magnification of a slit lamp. This allows the doctor to gauge the seriousness of the sty and to discover why it has not drained on its own. Talk to the doctor about whether surgery is necessary or whether a home remedy would be more effective to remove it.
Have a local anesthesia injection to numb the eyelid. When the area is numb, the doctor will cut out the infected area of the eyelid. The area will then be either stitched up or a surgical glue will be used to hold the skin together.
Get specific instructions for aftercare. You may have to hold a compress on the site or take pain medication after the surgery.