How to Cure Sore Eyes
Examine Your Workstation
Check your computer set up. Is your monitor set up for proper viewing, about two feet from your eyes? Do you have to look up to see the screen? The top of the monitor should be no higher than the level of your eyes.
Use a paper holder to hang onto documents that you need to see while typing. The paper holder should be at the same height and distance as your monitor. This prevents awkward craning of your neck as you're trying to type.
Look for glare coming through a nearby window that may be causing your sore eyes. Having a sunny window in your office is a definite perk, but you may need to reconfigure your office so that the bright window is to the side of your workstation, not in front or behind.
Keep office lighting the same brightness as your computer screen.
Take breaks from your computer or other work about every 20 minutes. If you forget, set a timer to remind you. Try this 20/20/20 tip to reduce eyestrain: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Other Help for Sore Eyes
Give your eyes a break from contacts. If you have eye discomfort and you're a contact lens wearer, you know what to do: take them out. Put on your glasses for a day or so and see if your eyes feel better the next day.
Try natural tears that you can purchase over the counter at a drugstore. These products will take out redness and stop itchiness.
Dig through your makeup bag. Any old mascara or eye shadow in there that might cause irritation or even infection in your eyes? Make sure you throw out old makeup, no matter how much you love the shade.
Try some green tea (on your peepers). Apply warm tea bags to your eyes to help relieve irritation.
See an eye doctor if your sore eyes persist. Your vision may be changing and sore eyes can be also a symptom of vision problems.
Schedule a yearly eye exam. Your eyes are too important to leave to chance.