How to Read Basic Braille Phrases
Get a card that has the alphabet on it. These cards are widely available through local blind associations. You can carry the card in your wallet or purse and use it to translate basic Braille words.
Talk to someone who uses Braille. Many blind people today utilize electronic speech to read and are not proficient in Braille. A Braille user can tell you what phrases you are most like to run into in the field.
Practice on a pamphlet rather than a large book. Braille books are extremely large, taking volumes to produce a single copy of a book. A small pamphlet, which you can get from your state Library for the Blind or from a blind organization, will be easier to manage.
Buy a Braille stylus so that you can write Braille. Putting the words together by poking dots on 3 by 5 cards will help you to learn how to read it as well.
Use books that have Braille dots on top of the written word. You can move your fingers lightly over each word and look at the word. Then close your eyes and go over the same word again.