How to Treat a Twitch
Rest is the most important treatment for an eye twitch, since it's usually caused by fatigue. Start getting more sleep and relaxation.
Lower your stress levels since stress can be adding to your fatigue. Try behavior therapy if your doctor thinks the twitch can be caused by anxiety. Visualization and positive affirmation techniques can help lower anxiety.
Ask your doctor to prescribe drugs in extreme cases. Several types of eye twitching, or blepharospasm, exist and some types are caused by more serious reasons than fatigue. However, drug relief is usually short term and works in only about 15 percent of cases.
Get Botox injections in cases where the eye is becoming irritated by the twitch. It is approved for use in the U.S. and Canada. The Botox is injected into the eyelid muscles, which become paralyzed.
Seek treatment through surgery in severe cases. A myemectomy is a procedure that removes some of the nerves and muscles in the eyelids. It works in 75 to 85 percent of cases.