How to Prevent Macular Degeneration
Know the Signs of Macular Degeneration
Take note of vision changes that could point to macular degeneration, including blurry words on a page, gradual color loss, a dark or empty area in the middle of your vision or distortion of straight lines.
See an ophthalmologist immediately if you notice changes in your vision.
Visit an eye doctor regularly for vision screenings.
Consult an Ophthalmologist
Look at an Amsler chart, which resembles graph paper, to detect wavy lines or abnormalities in your vision. The doctor may also view your maculae with an ophthalmoscope or take photos of your eye to find abnormal blood vessels under the retina.
Question your doctor about ongoing research on women, estrogen therapy and macular degeneration if you are female. Two studies show women have twice the incidence of the disease as men, suggesting estrogen loss may be a factor.
Ask your doctor whether you should take antioxidant vitamin therapy if she feels you are at high risk for advanced macular disease. Studies show that high-risk people lowered their risk by 25 percent by taking high doses of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and zinc.
Check Your Eyes Daily at Home
Print out the Amsler grid from the Medem website, or ask your ophthalmologist to give you one.
Put the grid on your refrigerator or another place where you will see it every day.
Wear your reading glasses and stand 12 to 15 inches away from the grid in good light.
Cover one eye.
Look at whether the lines are all straight or if any areas appear blurred, distorted or darker with the uncovered eye.
Repeat the steps with the other eye.
See your ophthalmologist immediately if you notice any blurred, wavy or dark areas of the grid.