Arrows drawn close to left side of iris indicate what?
Corectopia is misplacement of the pupil of the eye towards the nasal or inner aspect of the iris, i.e., displacement nasally. It is more common in the left eye.
Corectopia is a rare disorder in which the pupil of the eye is not in its normal position. In most cases, the pupil is located off-center, either closer to the nose (nasal ectopia) or the temple (temporal ectopia). Corectopia can also occur in both eyes.
The exact cause of corectopia is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It can occur as an isolated finding, or it may be associated with other eye conditions, such as iris coloboma, albinism, and certain syndromes.
Corectopia can sometimes cause a decrease in the affected eye's vision, especially if it is severe. It can also cause difficulties with glare and light sensitivity. Treatment for corectopia depends on the severity of condition. In some cases, no treatment is needed. In other cases, treatment may involve corrective lenses, surgery, or a combination of therapies.