How do you unswollen a bruise eye?

Here are some steps you can take to reduce the swelling of a bruised eye:

1. Apply cold compresses:

- Use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a cloth.

- Apply it to the bruised area for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day.

- The cold will help reduce inflammation and swelling.

2. Elevate your head:

- This will help reduce the blood flow to the bruised area and minimize swelling.

- Prop yourself up on pillows when lying down or sleep with your head elevated.

3. Avoid heat:

- Heat can increase swelling, so avoid applying heat to the bruised area.

- This includes hot compresses, heating pads, and saunas.

4. Limit activity:

- Strenuous activity can increase blood flow to the bruised area and worsen swelling.

- Take it easy and avoid activities that put strain on your eyes.

5. Use over-the-counter pain relievers:

- Pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help reduce pain and swelling.

- Follow the recommended dosage on the medication label.

6. Avoid alcohol and smoking:

- These substances can worsen swelling and delay healing.

- Avoid them as much as possible while you are recovering from a bruised eye.

7. Protect your eye:

- Wear sunglasses or an eye patch to protect your bruised eye from further injury or irritation.

- Avoid rubbing or touching the bruised area.

8. Seek medical attention if necessary:

- If the swelling is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms such as vision problems, seek medical attention.

- A healthcare professional can evaluate the injury and provide appropriate treatment.

Additional tips:

- It's important to be patient as bruising can take time to heal completely.

- The swelling and discoloration should gradually improve over the course of several days to weeks.

- If the bruising does not improve or worsens, consult with a healthcare professional.

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