Definition of Monocular Vision
What Is It?
Monocular vision is the opposite of stereo vision. It means that a person only sees out of one eye. This is slightly different that monovision which means that the person only sees out of one eye at a time. Monocular vision means that the person is blind in one eye, while a person with monovision can see out of both eyes, just not simultaneously. People with monocular vision may or may not have one prosthetic eye.
What Causes It?
Many conditions can cause monocular vision. A person who suffers an eye injury may become blind in that eye, leaving them with monocular vision. Someone with a lazy or wandering eye that is not treated can lose some or all of the vision in that eye. If this condition is severe, it can result in monocular vision. Some people grow up knowing that they have monocular vision while other people assume that everyone sees like they do and learn in their teens or in adulthood that this is not the case.
Monocular vision usually affects peripheral vision and depth perception. Because depth perception results when your brain processes the difference between what your two eyes see, people with monocular vision do not have any depth perception. They can also have issues with peripheral vision. Someone who can only see out of one eye will have a more limited range of vision on the opposite side. This can cause them to run into objects or not see people who approach them on their blind side.
Strategies for Adapting
Many people with monocular vision are able to drive, work and even fly airplanes, depending on their individual situations. People often adapt to having monocular vision by turning their heads so that the good eye sees more of what is in front of them. Some people walk next to a wall so that they do not have to worry about people approaching on that side. You can learn to compensate for a lack of depth perception by noticing other cues for distance such as trees that get larger or smaller depending on whether they are close or far away. There are also eye exercises that some people find can help them to adapt to monocular vision or even develop some stereo vision.