How to Read Sclera Markings
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Warm water
- 2 chairs
- Paper
- Pen
- Sclerology chart
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before touching anyone's eyelids.
Seat the person you wish to examine in a chair in front of a window with natural light. According to the International Sclerology Institute, natural full-spectrum light gives the best view of the sclera. Position your patient to your left if you are right-handed and to your right if you are left-handed. This allows you to manipulate the eyelids with your non-dominant hand and write with your dominant hand.
Draw a large circle on the paper with a smaller circle inside. This provides a model of the eye and iris.
Pull the upper eyelid of the patient upwards as you ask the patient to look down. Transfer any lines you see on the white part of the eye to the chart in your lap. Copy the shape, thickness and color of the lines.
Release the eyelid and ask the patient to look to his or her right. Record any lines on the left part of the sclera on your paper. Because you are looking at the patient, the area will be on your right.
Hold the lower eyelid down as you ask the patient to look up. Draw any visible lines on the paper.
Release the eyelid and ask the patient to look to her left while you draw the lines on the right side of the eye, which will be on your left as you face the patient.
Compare the lines on your drawing to a licensed Sclerology chart. Determine what parts of the body need attention based on the information from the chart. Obtain your chart through an altenative medicine supply company or through an iridology and sclerology training facility.