What Red green colorblind this is a sex linked recessive trait woman marries man who has normal color vision what are the chances that their daughter will be blind?
The father is mentioned as having normal color vision, which means he must have two normal copies of the gene responsible for color vision (one on each X chromosome). We can represent his genotype as XN Y, where XN represents the normal allele and Y represents the Y chromosome that does not carry the genes for color vision.
The mother is not specified to be colorblind or have normal vision. However, since red-green colorblindness is a recessive trait, she must carry at least one copy of the colorblind gene (Xc) on one of her X chromosomes to be a carrier. Her genotype can be either XcXc (if she is colorblind) or XN Xc (if she is a carrier).
If the mother is XN Xc (carrier) and the father is XN Y, there are four possible outcomes for the genotype of their daughter:
1. XN XN: This genotype results in normal color vision. The daughter receives one normal allele (XN) from each parent.
2. XN Xc: This genotype also results in normal color vision. The daughter receives the normal allele (XN) from her father and the carrier allele (Xc) from her mother. She becomes a carrier like her mother.
3. Xc XN: This genotype results in red-green colorblindness. The daughter receives the colorblind allele (Xc) from her mother and the normal allele (XN) from her father. However, since females have two X chromosomes, the normal allele compensates for the colorblind allele, and she will have normal color vision. She will be a carrier like her mother.
4. Xc Xc: This genotype also results in red-green colorblindness. The daughter receives the colorblind allele (Xc) from both her mother and her father. Since both X chromosomes carry the colorblind allele, she will express the trait and be colorblind.
Therefore, if the mother is a carrier (XN Xc) and the father has normal color vision (XN Y), there is a 25% chance that their daughter will be colorblind (Xc Xc) and a 75% chance that she will have normal color vision (XN XN, XN Xc, or Xc XN).