In what section of the eye can opacities occur?

Opacification (clouding) can occur in different sections of the eye, including:

1. Cornea: The cornea, the clear, front part of the eyeball, can develop corneal opacity due to conditions like corneal scarring, corneal dystrophies, or inflammation.

2. Lens: Cataracts are the common type of opacity that occurs in the lens of the eye. As a person ages, the lens proteins can clump and form cloudy areas that obstruct clear vision.

3. Vitreous Humor: Opacities in the vitreous humor, the gel-like substance filling the space between the lens and the retina, are known as vitreous floaters. They are typically age-related or caused by inflammation or trauma.

4. Retina: Retinal opacities or retinal detachment can occur when the retina separates from the underlying layers of the eye. This is a severe condition requiring prompt medical attention.

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