Does cross eyed is an eye defect?

Yes, cross eyed is an eye defect.

Strabismus, commonly called crossed eyes, is a condition in which the eyes do not align properly, causing one eye to look inward, outward, upward, or downward. Strabismus can occur in children or adults and can be intermittent or constant.

There are several types of strabismus, including:

Esotropia: This is the most common type of strabismus, and it occurs when one eye turns inward.

Exotropia: This occurs when one eye turns outward.

Hypertropia: This occurs when one eye turns upward.

Hypotropia: This occurs when one eye turns downward.

Strabismus can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Muscle imbalances in the eye: The muscles that control the movement of the eyes may be too weak or too strong, causing the eyes to misalign.

Problems with the eye structure: The shape or size of the eye may be abnormal, which can prevent the eyes from aligning properly.

Neurological problems: Conditions that affect the brain or nerves can also cause strabismus.

Other medical conditions: Strabismus can be associated with certain medical conditions, such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and thyroid eye disease.

Strabismus can often be treated with eyeglasses, eye exercises, or surgery. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for preventing vision problems and other complications.

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