Batteryexploded and acid splashed in eye what treatment?
1. Flush the Eye Thoroughly:
- Rinse the affected eye with copious amounts of cool, clean water for at least 15-20 minutes.
- Hold the eyelid open and roll the eye in different directions to ensure the water reaches all areas of the eye.
2. Avoid Rubbing the Eye:
- Avoid rubbing or touching the affected eye, as this can worsen the injury and potentially introduce bacteria.
3. Cover the Eye:
- After flushing, cover the injured eye with a clean, moist cloth or sterile eye pad to protect it from further contamination.
4. Avoid Applying Pressure:
- Do not apply pressure or bandages to the affected eye, as this can increase pressure in the eye and potentially cause further damage.
5. Stay Calm and Seek Medical Help:
- Remain calm and reassure the person to prevent agitation, which can increase the risk of further injury.
- Immediately transport the person to the nearest hospital or emergency room for specialized medical care.
It's important to remember that battery acid is highly corrosive and can cause severe damage to the eye, including burns to the cornea, conjunctiva, and other delicate tissues. The prompt, appropriate treatment of such injuries is crucial to minimize damage and improve the chances of vision preservation. Additionally, an eye doctor or ophthalmologist may recommend specific treatments, including prescription medications, surgeries, or additional monitoring based on the severity of the injury.