How to Cure Eye Twitches
Relax and find ways to relieve your stress, since one of the most common causes of eye twitching is stress. Talk to a therapist or join a support group to help process the challenges you face. Participate in activities that you enjoy that help relieve stress.
Rest the eyes, for strain is another cause of eye twitching. Take frequent breaks during long work periods in front of a computer monitor. Get plenty of sleep, because tired eyes can also twitch more frequently.
Take medication if the eye twitching is severe, and does not seem to respond to rest. Often physicians recommend Botox injections. This paralyzes the muscles around the eye, so the twitching stops. Other drugs have a very low rate of effectiveness and usually only halt the twitching temporarily.
Consider surgery if preventative, or drug treatments are ineffective and vision is actually impaired by twitching. The surgery is called a myectomy. In this procedure, muscles and nerves in the eyelid are removed. According to the Eye Doctor Guide, this procedure has improved vision and decreased twitching in 75 to 85 percent of the patients.