How to Test Your Eye Sight on a Computer

According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75 percent of American adults require some degree of vision correction, including reading glasses and contact lenses. If you want get an idea of how strong your vision is -- before having to contact an optometrist and pay for an eye exam -- there are a few different websites that offer easy eye exams.


  1. Testing Your Eyesight

    • 1

      Click on your computer's Internet browser to open a new browser window and visit either or by typing the website address into the URL bar (see Resources). Both websites allow you to take a free eye exam using your computer.

    • 2

      Click on either "Free eye test" or "Try the online eye exam," depending on which site you are visiting, to begin taking your eye exam. Remove your eye glasses or contact lenses, if you wear either, and then sit or stand approximately three feet (one meter) away from the computer monitor.

    • 3

      Write down the lines of letters that you are unable to read as you take your eye exam. Taking note of which lines you cannot read will help you to remember the smallest print that you could read on the eye chart -- and thus determine how good or bad your vision is.

    • 4

      Read through the results after completing the exam. If the test determines you have 20/40 vision or less -- meaning you can see at 20 feet away what a person with perfect eyesight can see at 40 feet away -- schedule an appointment with an optometrist and have a professional eye exam done.

    Testing for Color Blindness

    • 5

      Open a new Internet browser window and visit by typing the website address into the URL bar (see Resources).

    • 6

      Click on "Take the tests," then on "Color Tests" and then click on "Take the color test" to take a color deficiency test. Many optometrists use this to determine if there are symptoms of color blindness. Enter the number you see in the color circle and then click on "Answer" to proceed.

    • 7

      Read through your results to see if you have any signs of color blindness. If you gave one or more incorrect answers, consider making an appointment with an optometrist to take a formal color blindness test and get your eyes properly examined.

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