How to Remove Styes

A sty occurs when a pore along the eyelash line gets clogged and becomes infected. The pore usually get clogged with makeup, or germs transferred from the hands to the eyes. To avoid a painful sty, avoid touching your eyes and do not share eye makeup with others. People who wear contacts should clean their contacts daily and handle them only with clean hands. A sty might take a few days to clear up; But rest-assured, it can definitely be cured at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Washcloth
  • Hot water
  • Mild soap
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    • 1

      Soak a clean washcloth under warm to hot water.

    • 2

      Wring the extra water out of the washcloth.

    • 3

      Test the temperature of the washcloth on the back of your hand. If it is too hot, wait a few minutes and test again, before applying it to your eye. The cloth should be as hot as you are comfortable with.

    • 4

      Apply the hot cloth directly to the sty. Leave the cloth on, until it becomes cool.

    • 5

      Repeat steps 1 through 4, until the sty reduces in size. This hot compress will release the fluid built up in the infected pore.

    • 6

      Reduce the risk of additional eye infection by washing the area with mild soap.

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