Reasons to See an Optometrist
Moistness of the Eyes
Moistness is a common occurrence for many individuals in today's technology-dependent society. A person can be sitting at the computer attempting to finish a presentation for work or school, and an eye can start shedding tears for no apparent reason. Thinking it is a natural occurrence, she may ignore the first warning sign -- tears are one of the first signs of developing eye problems, which can be brought on by excessive straining of the eyes.
Head injuries incurred from household accidents, or major accidents, are also a leading cause for cornea-related complications. These accidents may be something as simple as a bump on the head, such as hitting your head on a cabinet door, to something more serious, such as an automobile accident or fall from a severe height. While it might seem like a good idea to simply brush off minor household accidents, you should always be aware the human body is a fragile construct -- and eyesight is one the most fragile senses we have.
Most diabetics tend to focus on the simple process of keeping their blood sugar in check., but diabetes implies much more than a simple blood sugar test every day. It forces a diabetic to completely re-evaluate his habits and lifestyle choices. People with diabetes tend to suffer from corneal complications more than an average person, which obviously implies that a diabetic must find ways to weave the optometrist into the fabric of his routine.
Nasal Drainage
Nasal drainage is a common in those who suffer from sinus problems. Like most people who suffer from some form of physical ailment, this warning sign is often ignored and viewed as an unfortunate side effect of allergies or cold weather. While this may be true in some cases, an appointment should be made with your optometrist because nasal drainage is a telltale sign of developing eye problems.