How to Plan & Schedule for the Visually Impaired
A combination of low- and high-tech tools can help you plan and schedule for the visually challenged. The degree of independence reached with these tasks depends upon the extent of the visual disability and the individual's ability to adapt to new technologies. Maximizing a visually-challenged individual's capacity to perform daily activities as independently as possible is the major goal of vocational rehabilitation.Things You'll Need
- iPhone 3GS or 4G
- "2Do" application from iTunes
- Large desk-sized calendar
Schedule an appointment, making certain that are no preexisting obligations during that time.
Click on the "2Do" application to open it. Click the "+" symbol in the upper right-hand corner. When the new screen appears, type in the name of the appointment in the white bar area across the top of the screen.
Click the statement "Tap here to Edit Details" beneath the new appointment. In the middle of the screen is the option, "Due Date." Chose "Today," "Tomorrow," or "Custom" if the appointment is more than 24 hours away. Click the appropriate calendar date and chose "Done."
Click on the "Time" option and move the hands of the virtual clock to indicate the time of the appointment. Choose AM or PM above the clock. Click "Done" when completed.
Click "Audio" to leave a voice message, if necessary, regarding the appointment details. When your recording is complete click "Done" to return to the 2Do screen.
Click "More Options" at the bottom of the screen to show the "Alarm" option. Chose your preferred alarm as the message you just recorded, an alarm sound, or an email to the individual - or any combination of the three options. Click "Done" when finished. Click "Create" at the bottom left of the screen to complete scheduling the appointment.
Manually note the appointment information on a large desk-size calendar with a marker. This confirms that you have entered the appointment into the phone and provides a visual reminder of the event.