How to Remove Spectacles Permanently
Book an appointment with an ophthalmologist to have your vision tested. If you began wearing glasses at a very young age, you might grow out of your vision problems. Having your vision tested will determine the current state of your eyes, and your doctor will be able to tell you if wearing glasses is still necessary.
Discuss the possibility of getting contact lenses, or corrective eye surgery. Depending on your situation, you might be more suited to one procedure over another. Talk with your doctor about both possibilities, and have him recommend a treatment that is best for your eyes.
Order your contact lenses and attend a session with your eye doctor. Your doctor will instruct you how to care for your lenses and how to insert them
Book your appointment for laser eye surgery. If your doctor has deemed you a potential candidate, you will need to find a clinic nearby, and set up a date to complete the surgery. Ask your doctor for a recommendation to a reputable surgeon. Laser eye surgery is a quick procedure that does not require general anesthesia. On the day of the surgery, it might be best to arrange for a friend to pick you up, in case you are worried about driving.