What Is the Difference Between Acuvue & Acuvue 2?
Acuvue 2 lenses can be worn for two weeks at a time. In contrast, original Acuvue lenses should only be worn for one day.
Acuvue vs. Acuvue 2
Acuvue and Acuvue 2 differ in how long they should be worn. Acuvue and Acuvue 2 lenses are both correct for nearsightedness and farsightedness. They also offer UV protection and are made of Hydrogel material, which provides the eye with 88 percent of the available oxygen.
The difference between Acuvue and Acuvue 2 is how long the lenses can be worn. Acuvue lenses should be discarded at the end of every day. Acuvue 2 lenses can be cleaned and reused for up to two weeks, or can be worn continuously for six days.
Analysis of Acuvue
Acuvue lenses should be replaced every day. Even though it can be a hassle to change contact lenses every day, one-day lenses are the healthiest option for eyes. Because each lens is fresh, they don't run the risk of transmitting dirt or germs.
Another benefit of Acuvue one-day lenses is that there are no solutions or contact cases to store. Simply toss the old lenses out at night and put on a new pair in the morning.
Analysis of Acuvue 2
Acuvue 2 lenses can be worn up six days without replacement. Acuvue 2 lenses were introduced in 1999 and have since become the best-selling Hydrogel contact lenses in the market. Acuvue 2 lenses appeal to many people, because they take the inconvenience out of daily lens changes.
Acuvue 2 wearers can choose to wear the lenses continuously for six days or prolong the life by cleaning the lenses in a solution each night for up to two weeks.
With both one-day and continuous-wear lenses, the Acuvue brand offers a lot of options. Among the Acuvue and Acuvue 2 categories, there are color options, bifocal lenses and contacts for astigmatisms.
Also remember that when deciding on contact lenses, the best thing to do is consult with a doctor.
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