The Advantages of Acuvue Advance

Acuvue Advance is a brand family of contact lenses that are made by manufacturer Acuvue. Acuvue is the maker of the first soft, disposable contact lens that came out in 1988. The Acuvue Advance brand is a line of contact lenses that allows wearers to feel comfortable, as well as see clearly.
  1. Helps with Nearsightedness

    • Acuvue Advance contact lenses help people with nearsightedness.

      Acuvue Advance helps people who are nearsighted. Nearsightedness occurs when people experience trouble seeing objects that are at a distance. People who are nearsighted can see sharply when objects are up close, but they have trouble beyond that proximity, with objects getting fuzzy and appearing out of focus.The brand family actually features two types of Acuvue Advance contact lenses that help with nearsightedness. These are the Acuvue Advance Plus brand and also the Acuvue Advance with Hydraclear.

    Helps with Farsightedness

    • Acuvue Advance contact lenses are meant for farsighted people, too.

      People who are farsighted can get their vision problem corrected by Acuvue Advance contact lenses. People who are farsighted are normally able to see objects sharply at a distance, yet they find it difficult or even impossible to focus on objects that are up close to them. In bad cases of farsightedness, people have to exert a lot of effort to focus on objects at any distance. Acuvue Advance Plus and Acuvue Advance with Hydraclear both correct farsighted vision.


    • Hydraclear is a wetting technology in Acuvue Advance contact lenses.

      Hydraclear is Acuvue's patented technology that keeps contact lens wearers' eyes feeling comfortable with a soft, silky and nurturing sensation, whether it is day or night. The technology achieves this by combining the wetting formula into the actual lens formula itself. This means that the contact lens wearer's eyes have lenses on them that stay silky, smooth and wet. As a result, the wearer is able to experience eyes that stay moisturized throughout the day.


    • Astigmatism may be corrected with Acuvue Advance contact lenses.

      Another advantage of Acuvue Advance contact lenses is that they help people with astigmatism. Astigmatism is an eye condition where a person experiences distorted or blurred vision at all distances, differing with the degree of the actual astigmatism. Astigmatism is an eye condition that can affect kids as much as it can affect adults. In addition, a person with astigmatism can also be farsighted or nearsighted. The Acuvue Advance brand for astigmatism offers people the chance to experience the comfort of Acuvue's Hydraclear technology and clear vision.

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