Contact Lens Tools
Contact lens cases are used for storing your contact lenses. If you have disposable daily lenses you don't need a case, though cases are integral for those who use long term or month-to-month lenses. Cases come in a variety of styles such as basic side-by-side cases, stand up cases or travel cases to fill and carry with you on the go.
Multipurpose General Solution
Multipurpose solution is used for cleaning and storage. Solutions come in a variety of brands and styles, from basic saline-based to those enhanced with chemicals. With basic saline you will need to take out the lens, soak it and rub it gently to remove foreign bodies. Other solutions are enhanced with chemicals and make it so you don't have to rub your lenses to clean them. Either kind of solution is also used when cleansing and storing your lenses in cases.
Enzymatic Solution
This solution is used for contacts meant for longer wear than disposables or month-to-month. With longer wear lenses there is more protein buildup and an enzymatic solution and system will help remove protein on a daily or weekly basis. The solution is paired with a special neutralizing case and cleansing tablet. Unlike saline, once contact lenses are placed in enzymatic solution you cannot wear them for about four to six hours since the solution needs to neutralize before wear.
Eye Drops
Eye drops are a treatment for dryness in the eyes caused by contact wear. When using eye drops ensure that they are made specifically for use with contact lenses, as basic wetting eye drops can damage lenses. Eye drops are handy because they come in small vials that can be carried with you should you suffer dryness while out and about.
Antibacterial Soap
Cleanliness is key in preventing infection or irritation from contact lenses; antibacterial soap will ensure sanitary lens use. Wash hands with soap prior to putting in or taking out lenses to prevent bacterial spread. Once a week wash contact lens cases with soap, rinse thoroughly with water and set out to dry before use. Do not wash enzymatic solution cases with soap, however, as they do not require weekly cleaning.