How to Pop Out the Lenses of 3D Glasses
Things You'll Need
- black 3D movie glasses
Hold the 3D glasses so the lenses are facing upward and the right lens is closest to you.
Place both of your thumbs on the top of the left lens, the lens that is farther away from you. Keep your thumbs on the lens by the outer edge of the frame.
Push down with enough pressure to dislodge the lens. You will hear a click. Do not push too hard, but with enough force to push the lens out of the back side of the frame.
Rotate the frame so the left lens is closest to you. Place both your thumbs on the top of the lens by the bridge.
Press down with both thumbs and the lens should come out. If the lens does not completely pop out, grasp a piece of the lens and tug gently to pull the lens the rest of the way out of the frame.
Repeat the process with the other lens.
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