The Needs of the Visually Impaired
The education of individuals with vision problems is just as important as for children who do not have sight problems. The student needs to be able to pass the necessary courses and assessments as everyone else within the school district. However, some of the resources used for teaching will vary. Individuals who are completely blind will utilize Braille texts or books on tape. Classroom activities must be planned to use other senses in addition to sight, so that everyone can participate.
Career Development
Because individuals cannot watch people as they work to determine if they like a specific career or job, the visually impaired individual will need to experience different forms of work. While some of this exposure can be undertaken in schools, it is essential that the individual be made aware of all the different career options and then gain experience in those that they show interest in.
Physical Activity
Visually impaired individuals have the same physical activity needs as everyone else in order to stay healthy and fit. However, the room in which the activity takes place and the equipment used will require several additional factors to be appropriate for those with visual impairments. Indoor areas should be well lit with equipment that is light colored or in contrast with the wall colors. It is important that the room be free of clutter. Guide ropes are employed for running, as are audible bells. It is best to use very descriptive language when teaching an activity and to use movement as a teaching aid. Break skills up into small tasks and provide support when needed. Vision is important for balance, so this will be a challenge for a visually impaired individual.
Digital Technology
So much of society relies on computers and electronics, which can pose a distinct problem for visually impaired individuals. While there are Braille keyboards available, this does not help when the individual cannot see what is occurring on the screen. New systems are being developed and tested to bring digital technology to individuals with visual impairments by focusing on different types of interfaces, such as ones that use touch and sound rather than sight.