Uses of Eyebright
Inflammation of the Eyes
For conditions such as blepharitis, a disease which produces a red-rimmed appearance of the eyelid margins, or a stye, a painful boil, inflamed hair follicle, or sebaceous gland infection on the edge of an eyelid, the Home Remedies Web recommends the use of eyebright tea as a cold compress. To make the tea, carefully wash out the herb you desire to use. This is important as anything that touches your eye must be totally sterile. Boil one teaspoon of this herb in 1.5 cups of water. Then drain the leaves out with a fine strainer. Allow the tea to cool and then use three to four times daily as a compress by dipping a cotton pad into your teacup.
Pinkeye is the common name of a disease known as conjunctivitis. According to Best Home Remedies, it is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the eyeball. This membrane becomes red and irritated. The disease spreads through direct contact.
Herbalists recommend the use of eyebright, but under guarded conditions, as an eyewash. To prepare this healing agent, mix five to eight drops of tincture in two cups of cool, filtered water. You may also choose to boil one teaspoon of eyebright in 1.5 cups of water. Then drain the diluted tea in a cup of cool rose water. Wash the diseased area every four hours, but only for a short time. Use this preparation only under the observation of a doctor or herbalist. For faster results, the Home Remedies Web recommends you drink the tea or take it in capsule or tablet form.
Skin Diseases
Eyebright contains natural astringents and bacterial agents known to fight acne and other diseases causing skin irritation. The Home Remedies Web page recommends that you apply the poultice, cold tea, or a tincture to the affected area. To make the poultice, crush fresh leaves and flower petals, applying the preparation to the acne before going to bed. If fresh leaves are unavailable, you can soak the dry leaves in slight warm water for 10 minutes, then apply. Another way of using the herb for the skin is to use it as a tea or tincture. For the tea, dab a cotton pad into some cold, steeped tea and then apply to your skin gently, using the soaked pad. You may also mix five or six drops of eyebright oil at bedtime into the face moisture you normally use.
Respiratory Issues
Eyebright also may play a role in fighting colds, allergies, and other respiratory problems. According to the Home Remedies Web, the tea contains tannins which help to tighten mucous membranes, which help control mucous discharge. To use eyebright as a cold remedy, steep the teabag for five minutes in a pot of boiling water, then drink two or three times daily. For best results, drink the tea along with water, orange juice, or both.
Memory Problems
The flavonoids and betacarotene in eyebright can help treat memory problems, according to the Home Remedies Web. Mix two tablespoons of the dried herb, one tablespoon of sugar, a half teaspoon of ground mace, and two tablespoons of fennel seeds together. Take a half tablespoon of this concoction in the morning. Or, simply make the tea, and drink one cup daily.