What Is the Grid Test Method?
Damage to the macula is called age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The damage may be caused by normal aging or eye disease. Ohio State University Medical Center notes that the Amsler grid is one of several tests used to detect damage to the macula.
Test Method
The grid is a checkerboard test, about 5 inches square and printed on a piece of paper or cardboard. You hold the paper at a normal reading distance. If you wear reading glasses, you should keep them on for the test. First with one eye closed, then the other, you stare at a dot in the center of the grid and note if any of the lines of the grid appear distorted, wavy or are missing.
Home Screening
Your doctor may have you use the Amsler grid test at home to monitor AMD. Most people check their vision weekly keep track the results to share with the eye doctor at the next appointment.