How to Get Eye Colored Contacts for Looks Only
Things You'll Need
- Contact lens prescription
Schedule an appointment with an eye care practitioner who specializes in contact lens fittings. Your appointment will include a complete eye examination to make sure your eyes are healthy and special testing to verify that you can safely wear contact lenses.
According to an October 2006 news release from the Food and Drug Administration, all contacts are classified as medical devices, even lenses that have no prescription and only change eye color. The news release states that contacts sold without involvement by eye care professionals are considered illegal, misbranded devices.
Ask to try on different colored non-prescription--also called "plano" lenses--at your contact lens fitting appointment. Tinted contact lenses are available in both subtle enhancing tints and deeper, more dramatic eye-changing colors. Try on several colors and types to find the look you want.
Return to your eye care practitioner for the required verification, also called a follow-up appointment. After you have worn your non-prescription colored contact lenses for a specified period of time--usually one to two weeks--your eye doctor will want to check the fit of the contact lenses. Once the fit is verified, your doctor will give you a written prescription for non-prescription tinted contact lenses.