How to Keep Lens Mold Free

Mold is a naturally occurring fungus that thrives in damp, warm places, but you don't want it growing on your lenses. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that a major fungal eye infection outbreak occurred in the United States in 2006 due to improper temperature and storage control of a contact lens solution. Contaminated contact lenses and solution cause fungal and bacterial eye infection and lead to serious vision problems. Proper lens and case care helps prevent mold.


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      Use only the cleaning and disinfecting solution recommended for your contact lenses. Store your solution according to the manufacturer's directions. Most contact lens solution is kept in a cool, dry place. All About Vision notes that you should never change contact lens cleaning, disinfecting, storing or rewetting solutions without checking with your eye-care practitioner first.

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      Wash your hands with soap and water and let them air-dry before handling your lenses or cleaning solutions to avoid contaminating the lenses. Dry your hands on a clean, lint-free towel or let them air dry before touching your contact lens or case.

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      Do not use expired solution. The. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notes that solution that is past the expiration date does not have the same disinfecting effect and has greater potential for mold growth.

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      Keep contact lens solution in the original container. Do not put solution in smaller bottles when traveling. Transferring solution to a different container leads to potential cross-contamination and mold growth.

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      Keep your lens case clean. Rinse out the case with hot water and let it air dry. Do not reuse solution or add more to solution in your case. Always use fresh saline or rinsing and sterilizing solution. Ohio Eye Care Consultants recommends replacing your contact lens storage case at least every three months to avoid bacterial and mold-growth problems.

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