How to Match Your Eye Color to a Contact Lens
Things You'll Need
- Contact lens prescription
Start with an eye examination that includes a contact lens fitting. Even if you do not need contact lenses to change your vision, an eye doctor must measure your eye to determine if you can wear contacts and the type that will fit you best. A 2005 law changed the way contact lenses are classified: Tinted lenses, even those without a prescription, are considered medical devices under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Go for a subtle look by enhancing your own natural colors. Lenses with an enhance tint are the same color as your iris, the colored part of your eye. For blue eyes, a blue enhance tint will deepen but not dramatically change your look. Gray and green lens tints will also enhance but not drastically alter your look. Brown eyes can be enhanced with a hazel lens.
Try a dramatic look by choosing a lens color that contrasts your skin tone and hair color. If your eyes, skin or hair are brown, try bright-colored lenses like green, blue or violet. If you are blue- or green-eyed or have fair skin or lighter hair, try hazel or brown lenses.
Try on different colored lenses to see which works best with your complexion and for the look you are trying to achieve. Most eye care practitioners have trial lenses for you to test before you buy the lenses. You should be able to try on different colors during your contact lens fitting appointment.