How to Stop Excessive Eye Blinking
Attend a course of stress management with an occupational therapist. You will meet other sufferers and can share your coping mechanisms. If your blepharospasm is caused by emotional tension, learning how to cope with stress may ease your symptoms.
Wear dark glasses. Some people with blepharospasm find their symptoms worsen when in bright sunlight, so keep your eyes shaded. Dark glasses also hide your eyes from inquisitive onlookers, which can bring on stress and exacerbate symptoms.
Build a support network. Sufferers have a fear of sustained attacks and feel safer staying amongst familiar surroundings, putting them at risk of social isolation.
Undergo a cycle of botulinum toxin, brand name Botox, injections. This can weaken or relax the muscles involved in excessive blinking without interfering with normal eye closure. Treatment is only once every three months.
Engage in medical therapy if the injected Botox doesn't help. There are a variety of medications available but their success is uncertain, so medical therapy is a trial-and-error route. In addition, what works for one person may not work for another.
Have surgery to remove some or all of the muscles responsible for eye closure. Called protractor myectomy, this type of surgery is the most effective surgical treatment for blepharospasm.