Progressive Lenses Vs. Trifocal Lenses
Trifocals are designed so the user can see near, intermediate (18 to 24 inches away) and far. The three lenses are crafted together in one lens. The segments are divided by a small, yet visible, line. In order to use trifocals successfully, the wearer must get accustomed to looking through the top section for distance, the middle for intermediate and the bottom for near.
Progressive Lenses
Progressive lenses carry the same concept as trifocals. They are designed to help people see distance, intermediate and near. Progressive lenses do no have visible lines separating the the focal points. Instead, progressive lenses are considered multifocal lenses that create a progression of lens power.
Progressive lenses can be compared to natural eyesight. Users look straight ahead while looking in the distance, slightly down to see intermediate, and lower to see near. Because there is no line separating the focal points the process is smooth.