How to Get Rid of Spectacles
Obtain a prescription from your eye care professional. Before you buy contacts you should have your prescription checked to make sure nothing has changed since you first bought your glasses.
Discuss the possibility of switching to contacts and see if your eye doctor agrees with the decision. Some people with dry eyes will not have success with contacts. They also require the wearer to perform daily cleaning, so if you do not have time for this, contacts might not be the best choice.
Choose the type of contacts you wish to wear. There are many different types to choose from including hard lenses, soft lenses and even colored lenses. Again your eye doctor should be able to help you make the right choice.
Purchase the contacts. When they arrive your eye care professional will help show you how to insert and remove them as well as how to clean your new contacts. Don't throw away your old glasses because you might need them for days when you don't feel like wearing lenses.
Corrective Eye Surgery
Meet with an eye care professional to discuss the possibility of laser eye surgery. There are several different types of procedures but depending on your age, this might not be a proper solution. As we age, the shape of our eyes changes and laser vision correction might not be able to rectify vision problems.
Contact laser eye correction clinics in your area to set up a few consultation meetings. They will inform you of their prices and describe the procedure. Once you select the best one, you can budget accordingly.
Book the date for your surgery. Laser eye surgery is a very simple day surgery which does not require any overnight hospitalization. If you have someone to drive you to and from your appointment this is best, although many patients report an improvement in vision immediately after the surgery. This surgery does not require any anesthetic, and you will be awake during the process.