What Are Premium Progressive Brands?
Progressive bifocals are lenses designed to help you see in the distance and up close. Standard bifocals have only two focal points: one for seeing beyond your arm's length and the bifocal portion, which allows you to read at a distance of about 16 inches, according to opticianworks.com. Progressive lenses have multiple focal points and allow your vision to progress naturally down the lens.
Progressive lenses have a slightly blurry area in the sides of the lenses as you look down through the reading portion of the lens. This is sometimes referred to as the soft focus area of the lens.
Premium progressive lenses have advanced optimization of the lens, usually with less distortion and a wider reading area. The most advanced lenses are custom- and computer-designed based on many factors, including frame size, where the frame sits on your face and how your eyes move.
Vision Over 40 suggests Hoya, Pentax, Rodenstock, Seiko, Sola, Shamir, Varilux and Zeiss as makers of premium progressive brand lenses.