How to Do the Wideout Exercise
Things You'll Need
- dumbbells (optional)
Position your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointed forward. Hold your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height and with your palms facing each other. Engage your core by tightening your abdominal muscles.
Bend your knees, then jump while simultaneously stretching both of your arms still at shoulder height to the sides and your legs wide. Keep your core engaged as you land softly in a squat position; absorb the shock by bending your knees, without letting them extend past your toes. Maintain a straight back, but hinge forward slightly at your hips. You should be in a wide stance like a sumo wrestler with your feet still facing forward and your arms out like a “T”.
Jump immediately back up and quickly bring your arms and legs back to your starting position. Land softly, bending your knees to absorb the shock and keeping your core engaged for stability. When you land your arms should be straight out in front of you at shoulder height, with your palms facing together.
Alternate quickly and seamlessly between these positions until you complete your desired sets and reps. Start with one to three sets of eight to 10 wideouts two times per week and ramp it up as your strength and endurance improve.