How to Do a Heisman Exercise
Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder's-width apart, and your knees slightly bent.
Shift your weight onto your left foot while leaning to the left. Lift your right foot off the ground and pull it toward your body as you do this, extending your right hand down on the outside of your leg toward your right foot. Grab and hold your right foot with your right hand if you are able to.
Hold yourself in this position for approximately one second.
Return to your starting position, gently placing yourright foot back on the ground.
Perform the same move on the opposite site of your body by shifting your weight onto your right foot while leaning to the right and lifting your left foot off the ground, pulling it toward your body and reaching toward it with your left hand, grabbing it if possible.
Hold this position again for approximately one second.
Return to the starting position once again and repeat this sequence as many times as you wish.