How to Put Lenses in Frames With Nylon String
Things You'll Need
- Fishing string
- Nylon cord
- Ribbon
- Needle-nose pliers
- Scissors
- Magnifying glass
Restring an Eyewire
Locate the two small holes on the outside edge of the frame, near the temple, or earpiece of the frame. Use a magnifying glass if necessary to help see the holes.
Push the end of the fishing string or nylon cord up through the upper hole and pull the string about 4 to 5 inches through the hole. Then push the same end of the string down through the second hole, making a "U" shape with the nylon string as you go. Use needle-nose pliers to pull the string if you are unable to grip it with your fingers.
Pull the 4 or 5 inches of string through the hole until the string is taut at the holes. Cut the nylon string from the roll but leave several inches of extra string at the upper hole to secure the string. Tie several small knots, one on top of another, at the top hole.
Run the loose end of the nylon string through the bottom hole on the other side of the frame, by the bridge, the part that rests on your nose. Loop the string and push it through the top hole on the outside edge of the frame. Pull an inch or two of the end through.
Place the Lens
Lay a small piece of ribbon, the type you use to wrap gifts, across the middle of the nylon cord where the bottom of the lens rests. Use a ribbon that is cut to 2 to 3 inches in length.
Place the lens so the top edge fits up into the inside edge of the frame. Hold the ribbon with your thumb and finger and gently pull the ribbon and string around the bottom edge of the lens, taking care not to pull the loose end of the cord out of the holes or chip the edge of the lens. The string should fit inside the groove on the lens.
Gauge the proper length of the nylon string needed by pulling the loose edge of the string tight. The string should be taut around the entire lens.
Remove the lens and tie off the string with a knot. Try to keep the length of cord still when you remove the lens so as not to change the length. Tie several knots to secure the cord.
Reinsert the lens by placing the top of the lens inside the rim. Use the ribbon to gently pull the nylon cord around and into the groove of the lens, sliding the ribbon from the bridge side of the frame to the temple. Work gently so as not to chip or flake the edges of your lenses.