How to Apply Eye Tracking
Things You'll Need
- Two pencils of different colors
- Table
- Stopwatch or clock
- Two flashlights
- A friend or family member
Stand or sit in a comfortable position in your home or office. While looking straight ahead, hold one pencil in each of your hands. These pencils should be completely different colors --- such as red and blue --- and of similar lengths. Hold these pencils 16 inches apart from one another in front of your field of vision.
Focus on the pencil in your right hand. Without blinking, examine and comprehend the pencil's shape and color. After a few seconds, switch your focus to the opposite pencil. Repeat this process numerous times while changing the amount of time you focus on each pencil. This is an example of fixation tracking.
Put down the pencils and pick up your flashlight. Have your friend or family member pick up the second flashlight. Turn off the lights in your room so you can barely see anything in the room. Turn on your flashlight and point the beam out in front of you. Have your friend do the same.
Instruct your friend to shine his light on any object in the room. Focus on this object before moving your flashlight's beam towards this illuminated object. Repeat this process with multiple objects in the room, each time attempting to "catch" your partner's flashlight beam. This is an example of saccade tracking.