What major organ systems are affected by Marfan syndrome?
1. The cardiovascular system: Marfan syndrome affects the heart and blood vessels. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may develop aortic root dilatation, aortic dissection, mitral valve prolapse, and other heart problems.
2. The skeletal system: Marfan syndrome affects the bones, joints, and muscles. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may be tall and slender with long limbs, and they may develop joint problems such as scoliosis and pes planus (flat feet).
3. The ocular system: Marfan syndrome affects the eyes. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may develop ectopia lentis, where the lens of the eye is dislocated, as well as other eye problems such as myopia (nearsightedness) and retinal detachment.
4. The pulmonary system: Marfan syndrome can affect the lungs. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may develop spontaneous pneumothorax, which is a collapsed lung.
5. The neurological system: Marfan syndrome can affect the brain and nervous system. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may develop Chiari malformation type 1, which is a condition where the brain tissue extends into the spinal canal.
6. The skin and soft tissue system: Marfan syndrome can affect the skin and soft tissues. Individuals with Marfan syndrome may develop striae (stretch marks), inguinal hernias, and umbilical hernias.