What Are the Benefits of Pgd?
How it works
PGD is used with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to allow only embryos found to be free of a specific genetic disease to be transferred into a woman to create a pregnancy.
For couples with known genetic risks
PGD is beneficial for couples who have a significant risk of passing on known genetic diseases. These genetic diseases include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, spinal muscle atrophy, Huntington's disease, hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and more.
Avoiding termination of a pregnancy
Only embryos diagnosed as free of a specific genetic disease will be transferred into the woman for pregnancy. PGD helps prevent the later decision the family may have as to whether or not to terminate the pregnancy.
Non-disclosing benefit
Using PGD will eliminate the need to subject 'at risk' adults to undergo testing for a serious adult-onset disease. This is known as "non-disclosing" PGD.
Low incidence of birth defects
The incidence of birth defects is reported to be from 3 to 5 percent. However, this is the same rate of birth defects detected in babies who are not undergoing PGD.