Different Genetic Diseases
Autism is a medical term that's used to describe a group of brain disorders called Pervasive Developmental Disorders, according to Autism Speaks. Approximately one out of 100 children is born with autism, but not every case of autism is caused by a genetic disease. Autism causes severe developmental delays socially and mentally.
Angelman Syndrome
Angelman syndrome affects approximately one out of every 15,000 babies and results in severe developmental delays as well as seizures, according to the Angelman Syndrome Foundation. There is currently no cure for Angelman syndrome.
Celiac Disease
According to the Mayo Clinic, celiac disease is a genetic disease that affects digestion and is triggered by the consumption of gluten. Celiac disease damages the lining of the small intestine, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients.
Color Blindness
Medline Plus says color blindness is caused by a gene mutation the majority of the time. People with color blindness see colors differently from other people, but it does not usually make their life extremely difficult.
Canavan Disease
Canavan disease is an inherited genetic condition that affects the metabolism of aspartic acid, according to Medline Plus. Canavan disease causes the breakdown of the nervous system, and people with canavan disease usually die before the age of 18.