Rectal Prolapse Treatment
Types of Prolapse
In order to develop the appropriate treatment, determine the type of rectal prolapse. A full prolapse involves the entire rectum turning inside out and protruding from the anal opening. A mucosal prolapse involves only the mucous membrane of the rectum and not the actual wall of the rectum. The third type of prolapse is sometimes harder to diagnose than the others because it's not visible, and patients do not report it as early. This is an internal prolapse, where the rectum has turned inside out but is not protruding from the anus.
Causes for Prolapses
Pregnancy, obesity and hard stool can cause the strain that induces a prolapse. Elderly people are more prone to a prolapse without external causes, such as those listed.
Manual Replacement
In severe cases, a surgeon may simply attempt to replace the rectal tissue using a soft, wet cloth and applying pressure to push it back into place.
Modern prolapse surgeries are usually performed via laparoscopy, which allows for a shorter recovery and less pain than a full incision. The surgeon removes any extra rectum length and then secures the remaining colon to the sacrum (the tail bone).
Stool Softeners
Internal and mucosal prolapses are often first treated with stool softeners to attempt to heal the problem without surgery. Relieving the pressure from defecation helps to lessen the strain in the rectal area so that the membranes can adjust themselves properly.
Doctors will often prescribe salves and ointments such as Preparation H, and anti-inflammatory medications and local anesthesia to help soothe the pain of a rectal prolapse. Medications prescribed in this way attempt to shrink the tissue so that it will return to its normal position.