Old Methods for Treating Bipolar Disorder
Aromatherapy History
A dualistic mental phenomenon, diagnosed and labeled by the ancients as manic/depressive (now called bipolar), was also treated by these people 2,000 years ago with natural aromatherapy. According to an essay on SelfGrowth.com written by Johanna Stoppa, a registered aromatherapist, "For years the oils have been available for us to benefit from; in fact, essential oils are known as mankind's first medicine."
Aromatherapy Function
Stoppa continues, "Nature has all that we need to balance any physical or emotional ailment in the body. Without any of the side effects we have come to expect from the pharmaceutical option of treatment. ... Essential oils have a chemical structure that is similar to that found in human cells and tissues. The DNA structure in the plant world works in harmony with the DNA structure of the human body. This in turn, speeds the natural healing processes of the body."
Acupuncture History
Like aromatherapy, acupuncture was developed by the ancients, in China 8,000 years ago. Minute needles pierce strategic points in the skin, producing little pain when inserted. This medicinal art has provided relief for many types of sickness, including depression.
Acupuncture Function
Acupuncture treats body and mind as one. With the energizing of the central nervous system increasing the flow of healing chemicals, depression might subside after acupuncture treatments.
According to the 1936 edition of the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a lobotomy is a "surgical severance of nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobes to the thalamus performed especially for the relief of some mental disorders."