How to Deal With Adult Dyslexia
Recognize the signs. Common symptoms of adult dyslexia include difficulty reading even small amounts and not understanding what you have read, poor long-term memory, poor concentration, poor spelling and mixing up letters and numbers such as "b" and "d" or "6" and "9".
Be aware of the condition and research it. There are vast amounts of information about the condition of adult dyslexia on the Internet and there are many resources and outlets you can look to for help. Resources include how to talk to employers about the condition and getting their assistance in performing some of your job duties, as well as how an employer or family member can support you with your job functions and daily routine tasks.
Don't be fearful of the consequences. Many adults with dyslexia hide the condition for fear of being mocked or punished at work or school. However, if you are not honest about the condition and don't put forth an effort to get the help you need, an employer may not be very ready to comply when you cannot finish your work. Whether embarrassing to you or not, professors, employers and your family need to know about your condition so they can do what they need to in order to assist you.
Use modern technology. At work or at school, there are many tools that can help you get the job done. Computers can be a useful thing, so make use of your thesaurus, spell checker, word processors and possibly even programs that can help you edit text or read aloud to you what you have typed in so you can find errors or words you may have missed. Ask employers or teachers to consider purchasing software that will benefit you and help get your work done simply and easily. If you are a student, there may be grants available to help purchase the tools you need to succeed in your studies.
Remember that you are not alone. Many important people have dealt with adult dyslexia and have found ways to put the condition to good use in many creative ways and made an impact on society. Examples include Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci. Though these people were thought to be dumb, they made incredible contributions to society and were more driven, detailed, precise and worked harder than others to succeed. Adult dyslexia does not have to be debilitating and treatment comes simply with acknowledging the problem and finding creative ways to work with it as others have done.