History of Cystic Fibrosis
In 1938, Dr. Dorothy Andersen supplied the first clear description of CF, but Swiss pediatrician Dr. Guido Fanconi described similar conditions in 1936.
Dr. Sidney Farber correctly identified CF as a disorder that affects other organs besides the pancreas and coined the term "mucoviscidosis" in 1943.
The first sweat test was developed when Paul di Sant' Agnese found irregularities in sweat electrolytes in 1952; sweat tests began to improve over the next 10 years.
1960s and 1970s
In the 1960s and 1970s a number of physicians altered the typical low-fat diets of CF patients to include fatty foods. This, combined with drug therapy, improved their outlook and quality of life.
The 1980s ended on a hopeful note in 1989 with the successful identification of the CF gene by Dr. Johanna Rommens.
The 1990s brought further hope with research into gene transfer; the first successful transfer was performed in 1993.