Cystic Fibrosis Definition
Organs Affected
Cystic Fibrosis primarily affects the pancreas and the lungs, but it also severely affects the entire digestive and intestinal system, along with male fertility and the sweat glands.
Cellular Affects
With this disease, the movement of salt and water in and out of cells is dysfunctional.
Blocked Passageways
Due to the cellular dysfunction, the body's passageways become blocked by thick mucus secreted by the lungs and pancreas.
Infections occur frequently in people with Cystic Fibrosis. The blockages that build up create many opportunities for this primarily because the digestive system has difficulty functioning properly.
Average Lifespan
Due to medical advances, life expectancy rates have risen incredibly as children were not previously expected to live past the toddler age. Now those with this deadly disease are surviving all the way up to the average age of about 40 years old.