How to Manage Angelman Syndrome
Things You'll Need
- Physical therapist
- Speech therapist
- Occupational therapist
- A wide variety of doctors including Neurologists
- Baby gates/half doors
- Support
Get therapy as soon as possible. Angelman cildren are born looking and acting for the most part like normal children except for their feeding and swallowing issues. Most families do not get a diagnosis until after 1 year of age. Once you have your diagnosis you can begin getting therapy with early intervention if your child is under the age of 3. If your child is over the age of 3 you can get therapy from your local school system.
Get speech therapy as well as physical and occupational. Children with Angelman Syndrome are non-verbal and stay that way for life. Speech therapy is important so that you can help your child can communicate in other ways. Sign language, talkers, and even eye contact are all options.
Keep regular visits with your doctors. Neurologists are important to manage seizures and seizure activity which occur in 90 percent of Angelman patients. You also want to keep up appointments with your feeding and swallowing specialists to continue to improve upon your Angel's eating skills. You will need a special doctor who deals with the hips and legs to manage the gait. Your regular physican can help you coordinate which doctor's you need and when you need to see them.
Keep up with the latest sleep medications and therapies. Angelman Syndrome children are known for their lack of sleep. There are several sleep medications that you could try as well as a natural Valerian Root. Even still there are also therapies that can help such as bed time routines, massages with lotion, and baths before bed.
Create a safe environment within your home. Angelman Syndrome children do not understand danger and they put everything in their mouths. Make sure you have nothing around that an Angel could swallow. You may also want to invest in baby gates to keep Angels out of dangerous room such as kitchens. Once your Angel figures out the baby gates you will need to graduate to half doors.
Find a support group. It is essential that you get in touch with other families who are going through the same thing as you. They have many answers to your everyday problems. These solutions are key in managing your Angels from day to day. If you have the Internet you can get all this advice without even having to travel.