How to Prevent Muscular Dystrophy
Talk with your doctor or OB/Gyn about yours and your husband's medical history. Discuss whether genetic testing is a good idea for you before trying to start a family.
Get recommendations from your doctor about genetic testing facilities and doctors who specialize in gene disorders. It's very important to work with a genetic specialist along with your regular doctor to get the most accurate diagnosis.
Ask for all the tests available for determining your risk of passing muscular dystrophy on to a child. Currently tests are not available for all types of muscular dystrophy, but scientists have many of the forms of muscular dystrophy covered by genetic testing.
Discuss prenatal screening for muscular dystrophy if you have already started a family or have a child with the disease. Preborn screening allows early treatment plans and time to prepare for a child with muscular dystrophy.
Use newborn screening to have your child tested for muscular dystrophy. Most newborns have a battery of screening tests to rule out certain disorders and provide treatment when necessary. Ask your neonatal doctor if muscular dystrophy screening is right for your child.