How to Identify Hemochromatosis
How to Identify Hemochromatosis
Look for the first signs to appear during midlife. Men will typically experience symptoms between the ages of 30 and 50. Women often won't have any indications until after the age of 50. That's when their bodies stop losing iron due to menstruation and pregnancy.
Know which medical conditions may be symptoms of hemochromatosis. They include arthritis, particularly in the hands, chronic fatigue, loss of sex drive or impotence, absence of normal periods, high blood sugar levels, low thyroid function, and liver disease.
Understand the serious complications that can result if the condition is not treated. This includes liver failure, liver cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmia. Hemochromatosis can cause the skin of some people to turn bronze because the excess iron deposits can cause the skin cells to produce more pigmentation.